Feeling confident is an important part of high school. It’s a time when you’re coming into your own, meeting new people and trying new things. However, confidence can be hard to come by when you’re still unsure of yourself and the world around you. In fact, according to Frontiers, one in four teenagers suffers from low self-esteem. If this sounds like something that might be affecting your child or student in some way (either now or in the past), there are plenty of ways for them to boost their self-esteem back up again! 

Acknowledge Your Negative Thoughts 

The first step to having positive self-esteem is acknowledging your negative thoughts. 

Negative thoughts can be identified by the way they make us feel and how they affect our lives, but they may also present themselves in more subtle ways. For example, our negative thoughts can affect our ability to make friends or perform well at school or sports. These types of situations are where you need to step back and acknowledge that you’re feeling a bit down on yourself! When this happens, it’s important that we take a moment to ask ourselves if there’s any validity behind what we are thinking. In other words: Are these negative thoughts true? 

Let’s say one of your friends wants to go out with you but you don’t want to hang out because she isn’t “cool enough.” This may seem like a good excuse for not going out with her (after all, she might think less of herself based on those reasons), but chances are high that these feelings are stemming from insecurity within yourself rather than relating directly back onto another person—which means it might just be time for some self-reflection! 

Run Through Daily Positive Affirmations 

One of the best ways to build your confidence is by repeating positive affirmations to yourself every day. Positive affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself in order to improve self-esteem, and they can be as simple as “I am beautiful,” or “I am smart,” or even more specific: “Today I will do my best work.” 

You can make a list of positive affirmations and repeat them every day, or write them down on sticky notes and put them around your room; whatever works for you! 

Focus on Others 

Focusing on others will help you gain confidence. You can do this by taking the time to focus on the positives, what you can do and how much you’ve grown as a person. Here are some ways to do this: 

  • Focus on yourself—It’s easy when we’re struggling with self-esteem issues to believe there’s something wrong with us, but in reality, there’s nothing wrong with us at all! Instead of focusing on our flaws and weaknesses (which only makes us feel worse), we should focus on our strengths and assets instead. It might also be helpful to write down all the things that make up who you are as an individual—your interests, hobbies, talents etc.—and then look back at them every day so they become part of your life again. 
  • Focus on the present—By living in the moment rather than worrying about how other people view or perceive us, we can feel happier and more confident about ourselves overall. Don’t let social media feed into negative thoughts either; try deleting any apps from your phone that make it hard for you not only because they’re unhealthy but also because they’ll cause unnecessary stress about things outside themselves which aren’t worth stressing over anyway. 

Write Down Your Accomplishments 

  • Write down your accomplishments. Take some time to write down all of the things you have accomplished in life, big and small. Whether it’s getting good grades or landing a part-time job at the local movie theater, making a new friend or volunteering for charity work, remember that each accomplishment adds to your self-worth and makes you unique as an individual. 
  • Use these examples of accomplishments to build your confidence back up again! 

Focus on Yourself and Don’t Compare! 

When you’re in high school and you feel like you’re not good enough, it can be easy to compare yourself to others. But that’s not only a bad idea, it’s also pointless. You will never be exactly like anyone else. Your past doesn’t define your future and the present is always changing—so why even bother trying? 

It’s also a good idea to avoid comparing yourself with celebrities because they have their own set of pressures on them too and they’re not living life just like us! They are probably more than happy to take photos with fans but if your dream is really big then maybe ask yourself: What do I really want in life? 

Self-esteem activities for high school students can be helpful for those who are experiencing a loss of confidence. 

Self-esteem activities for high school students can help those who are experiencing a loss of confidence. It’s important to have confidence in yourself and others, because it helps you feel good about yourself and others. There are several ways to build your self-esteem including: 

  • Writing positive things down. Write down what makes you feel good about yourself and why you’re awesome! Keep this list somewhere you can see it every day so that when times get hard, these reminders will help lift your spirits up again! 
  • Surrounding yourself with friends who make you feel good about yourself (and avoid the ones who don’t). If there are people in your life that bring negativity into it or make fun of the things they don’t like about themselves—it’s time for some new buds! Don’t let people like these drag down your self-esteem! Change the type of people around so that their influence doesn’t affect yours negatively. 
  • Do something nice for someone once per week without expecting anything back from them except kindnesses bestowed upon yourself. This helps increase gratitude levels which leads us towards feeling better overall. It also may spark something amazing happening too. 

How to Use Netsweeper to Identify Students with Low Self-Esteem 

onGuard protects students proactively by monitoring, detecting, and alerting administrators to activity that indicates a potential risk to their student’s wellbeing. onGuard uses active system monitoring including optical character recognition to identify user activity and then trigger an alert.  

Remember, no matter what your situation is, it’s important to love yourself. Self-esteem activities can help you to build that confidence back up, but they may not work for everyone. The most important thing is to find the ones that are right for you!