Children are often the most fun people in the world, but they’re also some of the most insecure. It’s no wonder—they’re surrounded by adults who want to help them grow and learn, but also constantly pressure them to excel at everything they do. Here are some ways to help build self-confidence in your students. 

Fitness and exercise are a great way to build self-confidence. Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but it also helps with building self-confidence. There are many different types of exercises, so there is something for everyone!  

When you praise your students for their efforts, rather than the results they receive, you’ll help them build confidence and learn better. One way to do this is by having a “Praise Box“. The Praise Box is a place where students can put notes of praise or encouragement for each other. It’s great to see children doing something kind for another child that they don’t even know! 

Another way to help students build self-confidence is by empowering them to make decisions. This can be achieved by teaching students how to make good decisions: decisions based on their values, facts and personal interests. You might also help them come up with a plan for achieving their goals and helping them follow through on it. If things don’t go as expected or your student makes mistakes, you should teach him/her how to learn from those errors. 

Teamwork is an integral part of the classroom environment, but there are other areas where it can help students develop a sense of self-confidence. Team sports and activities are excellent ways to encourage teamwork among students, especially if they’re still learning to work with others. In addition, as a teacher, you can create projects that require groups of students to work together on things like writing or art. This will help them develop skills such as problem solving and communication while giving them opportunities to gain self-esteem through success in these areas. 

The benefits of animal care and empathy are well known. Animals can be a powerful way to build self-confidence among students, especially those who are shy or socially awkward. 

Animals are great teachers that help build empathy, communication skills and self-control. They also help students learn how to make friends with others who may have similar interests or have different ones altogether but still share common ground when it comes to caring for animals. 

Journaling is a great way for students to express themselves, as well as get in touch with their emotions and feelings. Journaling can also help them become more aware of their feelings and thoughts so that they can understand them better. This awareness can lead to more mindful behaviors, which will make them more confident. 

When starting a journaling habit, it’s important to choose an easy method that works. For example: 

  • Buy a plain notebook with lined pages and write down something about yourself each day (like what you ate for lunch). 
  • Set aside 5 minutes at the end of every day to write down your thoughts about that day—what happened during it? How do those things make you feel? Where are they taking place in our lives right now? Why did they happen when they did instead of later or sooner than that time? 

While your students are still young, it’s important to find activities they enjoy. This can be anything from drawing and painting, to playing an instrument or learning a sport. As they grow older and become more independent in their pursuits, you can step back and allow them to explore all the possibilities without feeling pressured. 

Further Resources 

Ways to Enhance Mental Health for Students and Teachers 

7 Ways to Promote Mental Health Awareness in Schools 

How to Identify Mental Illness in Youth