As technology continues to become an integral part of education, it also brings with it certain risks and dangers. With the rise of cyberbullying, online predators, and inappropriate content, schools are now faced with the challenge of ensuring their students’ safety in the digital world. Fortunately, student safeguarding software has emerged as a powerful tool to help schools protect their students from harm and promote their well-being.

Why is Student Safeguarding Software Important?

Student safeguarding software plays a critical role in creating a safe and secure learning environment for students. It helps schools to prevent incidents of cyberbullying, harassment, and other forms of abuse, by detecting and addressing potential risks and threats before they cause harm. It is important for students because it helps to create a safe and supportive learning environment where they can thrive and reach their full potential. Here are some reasons why student safeguarding software is important:

  • Protection From Online Threats: As more and more aspects of student life move online, students become exposed to a range of potential threats such as cyberbullying, online predators, and inappropriate content. Student safeguarding software can help protect students from these dangers by monitoring their online activities and detecting any signs of potential harm or danger.
  • Early Intervention: Student safeguarding software allows schools to identify and address potential risks and threats early on, before they escalate into more serious problems. Early intervention can help prevent incidents of bullying, harassment, or abuse, and provide support to students who may be struggling with mental health issues or other challenges.
  • Integration of Offline and Online Safety Measures: Student safeguarding software provides a comprehensive approach to safeguarding, integrating both offline and online safety measures. It helps schools to address the root causes of risky behavior and provide appropriate support to students who may be struggling with mental health issues or other challenges.

Why Do Schools Use It?

Schools use student safeguarding software solutions to ensure the safety and well-being of their students. As more aspects of student life move online, schools need to be able to monitor their online activities and detect potential risks and threats. These safeguarding solutions can help schools achieve this by providing a range of features, including internet filtering and online behavior tracking. In addition, it can help schools comply with legal requirements related to child protection, data privacy, and online safety. By promoting responsible digital citizenship and respectful online behavior, student safeguarding software solutions can help schools create a positive school culture that values safety, respect, and well-being.

Why Schools Choose onGuard as Their Safeguarding Solution

Netsweeper’s onGuard is highly customizable, allowing schools to tailor the solution to meet their specific needs. This includes filtering specific websites or social media platforms, as well as configuring alerts and notifications to match the school’s safety protocols. Our platform is user-friendly and easy to use, making it accessible to school staff of all technical abilities. The solution is also easy to install and configure, allowing schools to quickly get started with protecting their students. The advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, which allow schools to track student online behavior and identify potential risks and threats. This data-driven approach can help schools make informed decisions about student safety and well-being.

The human review aspect of onGuard’s solution is one of our best features. This is important in a student safeguarding solution because it allows for a more nuanced understanding of potentially concerning online behavior. While automated algorithms can flag certain behaviors, they can also generate false positives or miss more complex situations. This is where human review comes in – our trained professionals can review flagged incidents and determine whether they are actual risks or simply false positives. The human review team allows for context to be taken into account, which is essential when assessing online behavior.

To hear a firsthand account of our client Nick Finch from Co-op Academies Trust’s discussion on the challenges their trusts were facing, and how Netsweeper’s onGuard solution has helped them overcome them, check out our podcast Protecting Mental Health with onGuard at Co-op Academies Trust