In order to better understand the difference between cybersecurity and cyber intelligence, it’s important to first understand what these terms mean. The two are both important, especially considering that cyber attacks continue to grow 

Cyber intelligence: Cyber intelligence is all about understanding the nature of the risks and threats facing your organization so that you can better prepare yourself for them. Understanding your opponent goes a long way toward being able to defend yourself effectively against them. Cyber intelligence helps you understand where they’re coming from; what their motives are; how they work; what actions they’re taking right now, and who else might be involved with them. 

Cyber intelligence focuses on understanding the nature of the risks and threats facing your organization. This means learning how to collect information about cyber threats that are relevant to your organization, how to make sense of it, and how to use that insight in order to respond effectively. This information can include the methods and attacks used by adversaries, as well as the tools and infrastructure they use. Cyber intelligence also includes data on how your attackers behave, including the origins of their attacks, how they launch them, what they’re trying to accomplish through those attacks, and so on. 

Cyber intelligence helps you understand the attackers, their motives, their actions and capabilities, and how they work. It is more than just data mining: it requires the ability to analyze what’s happening in real time. The goal of cyber intelligence is to reduce the impact of attacks on companies by providing proactive advice on how to protect against threats. 

In short, cyber intelligence is a subset of cybersecurity. Both terms address the need to protect computer systems and their users from malicious actors. But cybersecurity has many facets, and cyber intelligence is a smaller topic within that scope. 

Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is about preventing attacks against your organization. It’s about protecting an organization from being attacked by a malicious actor or group of actors. Cybersecurity at its core is about defending against threats in order to keep your organization secure. 

Cybersecurity is all about protecting your computer systems from threats. Threats can come in many forms, including viruses, spam, malware and ransomware. Cybercrime and cyberterrorism are also threats to keep in mind when talking about cybersecurity. Cyber security is concerned with protecting an organization’s critical infrastructure from malware or unauthorized access; cyber intelligence looks at everything else around this core mission. 

As you can see, there are some key differences between cybersecurity and cyber intelligence. Both are important, but they serve different purposes. Cybersecurity is all about protecting your computer systems from threats, while cyber intelligence focuses on understanding the nature of those threats. This understanding is then used to help protect your organization from future attacks by improving defenses or taking proactive measures like monitoring for malicious activity. 

Further Resources 

Cybersecurity and its Impact on the World 

Block Phishing Attacks as Part of Cyber Attack Mitigation 

5 Risky Digital Behaviors