6.3.3 EA Release

Netsweeper is pleased to announce the Netsweeper 6.3.3 EA release. This is the third EA release in the 6.3 release cycle.

Some of the major features in 6.3.3 EA include:

  • There is a new WebAdmin interface, that allows users to enter per brand settings for the Client Filter.
  • RUS settings are now available on a per brand basis.
  • Per brand Policy Service Client Filter settings no longer load from nsd.conf but from the WebAdmin via WebDB.
  • The HTML log file archive view now displays the screenrename.shot as an image and not as the base64 encoded data.
  • The Client Filter Uninstall Password option for 6.3.2 and older releases now loads from the new Client Filter Settings.

If you have any questions or concerns about planning an upgrade to this release, please contact Netsweeper Technical Support support@netsweeper.com.

See also:


To download the latest release, please use the following link:

http://repo.netsweeper.com/netsweeper-el6-x86_64-6.3.3-1.iso (md5) (rename.sha256)

Change Log for 6.3.3

Ticket Description
21792 FEATURE: RUS settings are now available on a per brand basis.
22010 FEATURE: The HTML log file archive view now displays the screenrename.shot as an image and not as the base64 encoded data.
22014 PERFORMANCE: For AmCharts, animation has been disabled to speed up loading of many Reports and reduce Client browser CPU usage.
22015 BUG: In Drill Down Reports, the Report could not be rename.shown if the Detail Group View did not include all columns of the Detail Group.
22016 BUG: The NSProxy keyword event snaprename.shot could miss found keywords.
22017 BUG: Reports with highlighted (underscored) keywords would rename.show the wrong boundaries for the words.
22030 BUG: The ‘Restore’ button for ‘System Backups’ has been fixed.
22033 BUG: The autocomplete dropdown for Reports was broken.
22038 PERFORMANCE: The client_modify API would make multiple database queries instead of 1.
22045 FEATURE: There is a new WebAdmin interface, that allows users to enter per brand settings for the Client Filter.  Previously this was done through Policy Server Settings.
22046 FEATURE: Liger/RUS nsd.conf settings can now be configured per Client Filter brand from the WebAdmin. The default settings are still loaded from the nsd.conf, but are overridden when defined in the WebAdmin.
22049 BUG: Memory access errors have been fixed.
22050 BUG: The Check Rules ‘URL Convert to Path’ and ‘URL Convert to Query’ options have been added to the database on upgrade and install so that they are not overwritten when URL Check rules are written.
22058 BUG: Continuous Reports would not save correctly for the ‘fields’ selection.
22064 FEATURE: The Client Filter Uninstall Password now loads from the new Client Filter Settings in the WebAdmin.  You can define the uninstall password for the default/global and per brand.