
Respond to Red Flags Early

Support Student Mental Health with Digital Safety Monitoring

Over the past decade, K-12 students have steadily reported growing rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, with those numbers greatly accelerated during the global pandemic. Educators working the front lines of this crisis need access to accurate and user-friendly tools that promote early intervention by identifying students at risk for cyberbullying, self-harm, violence, mental distress, and other related issues. What’s more, as remote learning and digital classrooms become the norm, teachers want the ability to set their students free to use apps and websites to learn and collaborate, while minimizing distractions and exposure to unhealthy content.


Studies show that 7.7 million youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year—that’s one out of every six children in the U.S.

Strengthen Student Safety and Wellbeing

Our premier student protection product, onGuard, integrates seamlessly with our core nFilter platform to scan internet and desktop content as well as user-submitted data in real time. Using AI technology, it detects problematic user activity, then alerts administrators to verify and evaluate potential risks. The solution works online and offline and makes it possible to initiate appropriate intervention, when necessary. With flexible social media controls and dynamic web filtering, nFilter protects students from harmful content and cyber-attacks, while helping them moderate their time online.

Supporting Products

Ready to See Our Web Filtering Solution in Action?

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